Porcelain Veneers in Hopewell, VA

We want you to love your smile! If you’re not happy with the size, shape, or natural color of your teeth, veneers are an easy way to drastically improve your look while keeping as much of your natural, healthy teeth intact.

  • How does it work? First, we’ll remove a very thin area of the front side of your teeth. With the help of a skilled tooth artist, you’ll custom select your desired shape and shade and we’ll place them securely over your natural teeth.

  • Veneers are a great option for folks with small or misshapen teeth, gaps in their smile, severely stained teeth, or teeth that have simply worn down over time.

  • Added bonus—veneers relax your mouth and smile lines to give you a more youthful appearance!

Frequently asked questions about veneers

What are veneers?

Simply put, veneers are the best way to transform your teeth and help you feel great about your grin once again. They're very thin “shells” that are made from porcelain material. During the process, Dr. Daniel Baker will match your veneers to the shape of your natural teeth. This ensures that you’ll get a seamless, picture-perfect smile.

With a set of veneers from the team at City Point Dental, you can completely cover up lots of cosmetic concerns such as severe stains, minor tooth chips, uneven teeth, misshapen teeth, and much more. Get in touch today to see if you’re a good candidate for veneers from Dr. Baker.

What are the benefits of veneers?

First, veneers last longer than just about any other cosmetic treatment. They can easily last 10-20 years with proper oral hygiene and a healthy diet. Veneers are also very durable and stain-resistant, so your smile will look great throughout the years to come.

Veneers require minimal care. Just brush and floss your teeth regularly, and see Dr. Baker and the team at City Point Dental for checkups every six months. That’s all you need to do to keep your teeth and your veneers in great shape.

Finally, veneers are highly versatile. They can treat almost any cosmetic issue with your smile. And since it generally takes just two appointments over a period of several weeks to get veneers, you’ll be able to transform your teeth quickly!

Are veneers permanent?

Yes. Veneers are considered to be a permanent treatment. This is because a thin layer of enamel must be removed from each tooth that gets a veneer. This process is not reversible, and your teeth would be weaker if your veneers were ever removed.

For this reason, you must keep your veneers for the rest of your life, and replace them if they ever wear out or break. If you don’t like the idea of permanent cosmetic treatment, you can talk to Dr. Baker about alternative treatments.

Am I a good candidate for veneers?

As long as you’ve got a healthy mouth but you have concerns with the appearance of your smile, veneers are likely a good option for you. However, if you have any oral health issues like cavities, infected teeth, or gum disease, these must be treated before you can get cosmetic dentistry treatments like veneers.

The best way to find out whether or not you’re a good candidate for veneers is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Baker at City Point Dental, in Hopewell, VA. (You can get great results with veneers without having to drive into Richmond!)

Will my dental insurance cover veneers?

The answer is usually “no.” Veneers are an elective cosmetic procedure and are not necessary to protect your oral health. Since they're not necessary for health reasons, they will not usually be covered by dental insurance policies.

However, every insurer is different. If you’re wondering about your coverage for veneers, we recommend looking at your policy documents or consulting with your insurer directly if you have any questions.

Because of this, here at City Point Dental we offer a variety of payment plans to help you fit it into your life. We know having a smile you can be proud of is important. Visit our payment plans page to explore your options for paying for veneers and other treatments.